Middletown Locksmith Pro

Lock and Key Types

There are many different kinds of locks and keys designed to help you with property protection. As a matter of fact, there are so many at your disposal that the options can quickly become overwhelming. If you are beginning to look into your options, then we believe you will find this information to be beneficial.

Let’s start with keys. You might be surprised to know there are so many different kinds of keys out there. You have skeleton keys, transponder keys, double sided keys, four sided keys, tubular keys and so on. We are going to explain some of the keys to give you a better idea of what we are talking about!

Different Types of Keys

Skeleton key: A skeleton key is basically a type of master key. In a nutshell, the edge of the key has been filed in such a way that it can open an abundance of locks, like the warded lock. There are many people who would benefit from having a skeleton key, such as a janitor, property manager, maintenance crew, and so on. Skeleton keys can open lever locks and some kinds of warded locks. They are popular because of the convenience they offer – they can open numerous locks!

Transponder key: A transponder key is a key that has an electronic micro-chip in its head. You might also hear this key referred to as a chip key. Transponder means transmitter and responder. The chip is able to absorb energy and send a radio signal to an antenna ring. Why is the type of key popular? Because it makes it easy to get in and out of your car quickly!

Double Sided key: A double sided key is a key that can be used with either side up. A double sided key allows you to open a door fast/unlock a door fast, which is important if you feel that someone might be following you, of course.

Four Sided key: A four sided key, on the other hand, is a key that requires all four sides being a perfect fit in order to open a lock. Why is this kind of key popular? Because it is not easy to duplicate. It adds more security to your property.

Tubular key: A tubular key is used to operate a pin tumbler lock. This is the type of key you might be given if you have a storage unit, for example.

Now that you have a better idea of some of the different types of keys available, let’s go over some of the different kinds of locks. Hopefully, if you are shopping around for new locks and keys, this information will be useful to you! The more knowledge you have when it comes to property security, the better!

Different Types of Locks

In terms of lock types, there are quite a few different options, from padlocks, knob locks, cam locks and wall mounted locks to mortise locks, deadbolts, euro profile cylinders and more. The type of lock you go for is going to depend on a couple of different factors, including where the lock will be placed and what the purpose of said lock will be. Let’s start with padlocks!

Padlocks: A padlock is a detachable lock. This is the kind of lock you might remember from back in high school – you might have had a padlock on your locker! It contains a shackle, body and locking mechanism. This type of lock can help to prevent theft – you might even have one for your bike!

Knob lock: This kind of lock has a spring that is that is moved by a knob or bolt. It can usually be locked from the inside or from the outside, making it a good option for bedroom doors, bathrooms and so on.
Cam lock: A cam lock is popular because it is very easy to use. It has a metal plate (cam) which is attached to the locking device’s core and it rotates when the key is placed inside and turned.

Wall mounted lock: A wall mounted lock or wall mounted lock box is a great security feature to have. You might have seen this next to a garage door. It’s a great way to go keyless, whether you own a commercial property or home. It is a lock that is placed on a wall.

Mortise lock: A mortise lock, rather than being attached to the surface of a door, is set within the door’s body. It has to be fitted to the door or furniture that it is being used for. They are popular with commercial clients.
Deadbolt: A deadbolt is a very popular security feature to have. It is a bolt that is engaged by turning a key. It is a locking mechanism that can actually come in various forms. You might have heard of keyless deadbolts, for instance, or single cylinder or double cylinder deadbolts. Clearly, there are a few different options for you. A deadbolt is commonly found on the front door of a home.

Euro profile cylinder: A euro profile cylinder lock is sometimes referred to as a pin tumbler lock. It’s used to operate a lock case that has a euro shaped hole. It uses one piece of metal in order to connect both sides of a lock.

Now that you have a better idea of the different types of locks and keys available, we hope you are ready to get new locks and keys for your property. Of course, if you have questions, a locksmith will be able to help you. Not only can a locksmith provide you with more information, but they can install the new locks when you are ready!